‘Botched? Inside the Beauty Industry’

Catch 'Botched' again on ITV Player and get in touch with us if you have any questions.

When we see programmes like the ITV documentary 'Botched? Inside the Beauty Industry' (catch it on ITV Player) it makes us sad and angry, but more determined than ever to spread the word about ONLY choosing to have non-surgical aesthetics procedures by those who are qualified to administer them. The focus of the documentary was on the aesthetics industry being currently unregulated and how basically anyone can carry out the treatments, often causing severe damage to their patients.

We 100% back the campaign for the industry to be more regulated and monitored. We are medical professionals with the appropriate training, fully insured and only use high quality products that are CE marked and MHRA approved.

If you are thinking of having an aesthetics treatment then you should ask to see your clinician's qualifications and be aware of the licences that will be introduced this year allowing only medical professionals to carry out these treatments. The bill for this was passed in Parliament last year.


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